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Avoiding Common Data Science Pitfalls

Don’t rely on intuition – use data-driven methods whenever possible and verify your data and results

As any data scientist or machine learning engineer, data is everything. Without accurate and reliable data, it simply isn’t possible to train effective models or get meaningful results. This is why it’s so important to always use data-driven methods whenever possible, and to verify your machine learning data and results. Intuition can be a useful guide, but it should never be the only basis for decision-making – data should always come first. By using data-driven methods and verifying your results, you can be confident that you’re making the best possible decisions for your machine learning projects.


Be careful with your models – avoid overfitting and other common errors


As an engineer or data scientist, it’s important to be careful with your machine learning models. Overfitting is a common error that can occur when you train your model on too few data points. This can cause your model to perform well on the training data but poorly on new, unseen data. Similarly, the opposite can happen too, which is known as underfitting, which occurs when your model is too simple and doesn’t capture the complexity of the data, and bias, which can happen when your training data is not representative of the population as a whole. Additionally, you should watch out for poor feature engineering, incorrect data preprocessing, and imbalanced classes. These can all lead to suboptimal performance on your model. Pay attention to these issues during model development and avoid them when possible. If you do encounter them, be sure to document and correct them so that they don’t impact your results.


Document your work so others can understand it and build on it


As an engineer or data scientist, it’s important to document your work so that others can understand it and build on it. Your documentation should include a description of your approach, the algorithms you used, the dataset you used, and the results you obtained. This will allow other engineers and data scientists to replicate your work and build on it. Additionally, your documentation should be accessible to non-experts so that they can understand what you did and why it matters. By documenting your work, you can share your knowledge with others and help advance the state of the art in machine learning and data science.

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Mission Control is a product from The AI Responsibility Lab Public Benefit Corporation.

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